I hope the American people, who voted for President Trump, get the full experience of what they thought they voted for along with what they're actually getting.
Now may be a good time for them to learn to speak Russian because if World War Three does break out, it's not beyond possibility that it'll be the USA and Russia against the rest of the world, as Trump appears to be emboldening Russia to dig in on their attack on the Ukraine.
China, may opt to stay neutral, or even join forces with the rest of the world because they've been quietly winning an economic war with so many countries, they may not care so much about the USA. Especially since President Trump wants to bring manufacturing back to America and impose tariffs on every country exporting anything to the USA.
After that fiasco meeting President Zelenskyy had in the Oval Office with President Trump I've pretty much had enough. I'm not writing about what new dumb ass thing Trump's doing this week. Sorry America, you elected a moron.
I suspect he was elected because people would actually prefer a moron to a Democrat, rather than specifically Donald Trump. You could've put a dead fish up for election and people would've voted for it, so long as it was Republican.
Sure Trump has actual supporters that voted for him but I'm willing to bet a larger majority voted to get the Democrats out than to specifically vote Trump in.
I don't blame them when you see Democrat supporters protesting Trump using weird performance art that nobody but a few people in their friend group even understands. And for the love of god, stop singing at protest marches you weirdos! A simple chant will suffice.
There's a time and a place for art and music, and it's not at a protest rally. Be your weird, quirky selves in your regular life. Protesting needs strong calls to action, and memorable speeches that matter.
Anyway, that's my rant. I'm going to do my best to not write about Trump for as long as he holds the office of President. I'm sure I'll slip when he does something particularly stupid, but I don't want to give the worst President I've ever seen in my life time any more of my bandwidth.
So, when you see him sign an executive order for the camera with a Sharpie, and then hold it up for everyone to see, notice that it looks like he just wrote his name on a blank sheet of paper, and he's very proud of that achievement.
We're all very proud he can write his name. It's the only thing he does really well. He's probably even the best at writing his own name... with a Sharpie.
Though I swear, if the Democrats roll out a Clinton, Harris, or Biden at the next election, they deserve to lose by a landslide.
Trump free zone starts now.
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