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Thank You Kamala Harris Because JD Vance Wasn't All That.

Kamala Harris Caricature by CGDream, PhotoFunia, Krita, and TET

hen I first heard the news that JD Vance was selected as Trump's running mate for Vice President I must admit, I had no idea who he was. 

However I was hopeful that we'd finally get someone in the US election who could actually string a coherent sentence together, that wasn't either catchphrases, or a meandering mashup of barely related thoughts, organized into dot points as a memory aid.

A quick glance at the man's achievements, ex-military correspondent, university graduate, and author of a book about the lower and working classes of middle America (I think? I don't know? I haven't read it. I just appreciate he wrote a book with a point of view), definitely showed he had potential.

Unfortunately he quickly revealed he's every bit as good as former President Trump when it comes to saying things that make any swinging voter do a double take - he really said that?

Not withstanding that JD was formerly in the anti-Trump camp, as outlined in this PBS article, Fact-checking JD Vance’s past statements and relationship with Trump, his childless cat lady comment is a lesson in how not to make yourself appeal to the widest number of... you know... voters.

Presidential campaigns are, for the most part, a popularity contest. Both Trump and Vance seem to think it's more about getting more of their like minded supporters into the polling booths than the democrats, rather than bringing in new, or disaffected democrat supporters, unhappy with their leadership.

A little like those televised rallies both parties do, where they give a rousing speech to a stadium full of people who already drank the kool-Aid. Yes you want to rally support with your own fanbase but to win convincingly, you need to speak to the undecideds, and the people who just don't care most of the time, until they do.

Thankfully someone convinced Joe Biden to step out of the race because he was making Trump look like the competent candidate. In his place we get Vice President, Kamala Harris who, thank god, knows how to campaign on the issues rather than the personalities.

Sure she still pokes the bear, with digs at Trump, but she makes sure the bulk of her speeches and campaign puts the issues she wants to tackle front and center.

Not only that, she uses language that attempts to make everyone feel a part of her ideal for the USA, even childless cat ladies. It appears to be working as even Republicans are endorsing her according to this NBC News article, Harris unrolls dozens of GOP endorsements. That's the sign of a healthy campaign.

Look, I'm definitely on the outside looking in with interest. Back in the day, I not only thought it would be hilarious if Trump became President, I knew he had a real shot at making it happen, just because he's Donald Trump.

But then, when he was President, he was so bad at it. To the point that he believes it would be beneficial for him to be a dictator on day one if re-elected, so he doesn't have to be accountable, for once, for any decisions. Nobody should have that kind of power and, if he was actually any good at politics, he wouldn't even entertain that kind of power.

It still baffles me that he's the republican candidate a second time around when he can only speak in sound grabs. That's why Twitter... sorry.. X is his social media of choice. He's great for a headline but he's not much better at adding substance to his thoughts and ideas than Joe Biden was just before he stepped down.

I don't get why middle America likes him at all? If he was leader of the Democrats and I actually could vote in a US election I'd vote Republican... he's just not a person who should be running a country (and don't think I wouldn't. I may be a 'woke lefty' in general but I have voted conservative if I think my candidate is a complete non-starter).


Does anyone else find it absurd that Kamala Harris' running mate, Tim Walz, was chosen for the key reason he's a white male? 

That's all anyone talked about before her final pick for running mate was announced... it needs to be a white male. That's a bit 'weird'?

Not that Tim Walz isn't a good pick. My first impression is he seems likeable enough, and has a strong track record of being someone who can get the seemingly impossible done (free tampons in the boys toilets in schools? Well yes and no. It wasn't a campaign specifically targeting any gender's bathrooms).

He does have a vibe of just waiting for his foot to go off in his mouth at any moment though. Despite the fact he and Kamala are the same age, he looks closer in age to Joe Biden. Time will tell.

With any luck he'll put into the practice all of the skills he'll need as Vice President... and basically do nothing. I hear that's the job description for VPs. Maybe that's why Trump thought JD was the ideal running mate?


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