E ver since Ryan Reynolds managed to get the first Deadpool movie made it was a no brainer to some day team him up with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. While it could've been done without Fox being sold to Disney, the merging of the Fox Marvel Universe and the Disney Marvel Universe allowed Deadpool and Wolverine almost unlimited access to all things Marvel on the big screen. Making this much more epic than it might have been without the merger. The story isn't too hard to follow. Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) is tasked with saving the timeline and needs to find a Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) to help him. Chaos ensues. If you've enjoyed the previous Deadpool movies then this film should not disappoint. Its plot is as solid as any of the previous films but with the cameos and Easter eggs turned up to eleven. That said, all the main cameos tend to serve the story and aren't there just for the sake of the cameo. To be honest though, the main reason to see this film is for...