I've never read a Moon Knight comic and barely knew who Moon Knight was (other than he's sometimes thought of as Marvel's 'Batman like' character) before the Disney+ Moon Knight Series was announced. Of all the Marvel series released to date this was one that I had little to no anticipation for. I mean, of course, I was always going to watch it since it's MCU cannon, but it's the first series where I had no investment in any of the lead characters. Over the six episodes I was never that excited to see what happens next each time until, maybe the end of episode four. Then I did kind of become much more invested in the final two episodes. Episode six, the finale, ended with me thinking ' most disappointing ending of a series so far ' and then, like a magic trick, the post credit scene kicked in and turned everything around into an extremely satisfying conclusion with a big hint that there's easily a season two just waiting to be green lit (and I...