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TV Series: Doom Patrol (2019- ) - More of a Rant Than a Review *Minor Spoilers*

Doom Patrol TV series One Sheet

When the Doom Patrol made their TV debut in the first series of Titans, and I later heard they were getting a spin off series, I was interested.

However the series wasn't available in Australia for quite some time (or at least it was a while before I had access to a streaming service that had it) so I've been making my way through the first two seasons. Currently I'm almost halfway through season two.

Everyone I've heard talk about this show seems to love it with phrases like "It's so good" being quite common. My expectations were that I'd at least like it. I mean everyone says it's SO good.

At this point I'm still waiting for it to be just a little bit good in terms of the story.

The show itself looks great. I like the cast. I'm not familiar with the comic so I had no preconceived notions of any characters. The actors all seem well cast to me and are great with the material they're given.

I even like the surrealist concepts like Danny the sentient street and the white space between the panels. Not to mention the magical elements, and even the downright ridiculousness of Niles storing a fully working spaceship in his garage for 60 plus years that actually still works.

But the story and the characters are just awful and depressing. Everyone in the main cast has, every episode, bitched and complained about their lot in life, and how screwed up they are. On top of which, far from being a team, it's mostly a story of partnerships between characters (Cliff and Jane, Rita and Larry, Niles and whoever the main antagonist this season is)... and whatever Cyborg is doing this week (probably bitching about his dad... again).

I get that the whole concept is exploring each character's inner demons but it feels like that's all they ever do without anyone really moving forward. There was a glimmer of hope at the start of season two with Rita trying to control her abilities but otherwise, none of the characters really moved on from where they were at the start of season one... other than they hate Niles now.

I've heard podcasts praising this show for its quirkiness, and particularly talk about the various character arcs being really good. Maybe I'm missing something there? I'm not seeing any significant character arcs at all? I feel like people are mistaking flashbacks and backstory for character arcs - things that show how the characters got to where they are now, rather than things that move their stories forward.

Honestly, I can see this show has potential to be good. It just feels like it's going nowhere. At this point I continue to watch in the slim chance one of the characters will break out of their pity party and find some kind of purpose (most likely Rita but reviews of season three suggest otherwise).

The Umbrella Academy did offbeat, quirky team of messed up individuals mentored by some old guy far better than this over its two seasons.

If Doom Patrol could just get some decent storylines going, where the characters have something outward looking to do, that maybe brings them together (that doesn't involve looking for Niles or his offspring) this show might be something.

As it stands, for me, it's episode after episode of frustrating disappointment. It should be better. I wasn't this disappointed watching two seasons of the CW's Bat Woman show... and that really lacked the imagination that's clearly there in Doom Patrol but not being showcased nearly as well as it could be.

Sorry if you're enjoying it but I find myself struggling to stay awake every episode... and I'm usually watching during my lunch hour. 

I know it's not because I'm tired. I used the same timeslot to watch the entire first season of Star Girl, a show filled with annoyingly entitled teens who didn't earn any of their super powers, and I never fell asleep once during any episode (people say that show is good but it's not even on par with Bat Woman in my opinion).

Anyway, I'm hoping season three of Doom Patrol will be better.


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