I first came across Robert Scheinfeld in an interview with him on James Wedmore's Mind Your Business Podcast , Episode 192 . That interview was focused on Robert's 5th book, The Ultimate Key to Happiness . If you follow the links on the podcast episode page you can actually download the ebook version of Robert's book completely free. Which is what I did. I read the entire ebook but I felt I wasn't able to focus on it properly to really absorb the ideas it presents. So I bought a physical copy to read again. The book is an interesting essay on how the mind works and how almost everything we do, we're doing because we want to be happy. In the book Robert talks about various emotions, how the mind processes information and events based on a story we've been told about how we should react to it. Something he calls 'The Mind Machine'. For example, if something makes you angry, it's very likely you're only angry because you've been told (...