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Movie Review: Deadpool 2 (2018) *Spoiler Free*

Deadpool 2 is a fun black comedy on par with the first film. Right now I can't really say one is better than the other but I can say they're equally as good.

Before seeing Deadpool 2 I watched the first movie. My take is, if you do like the first one better, much of that is down to never having seen a Deadpool movie before, and then having that film just knock it right out of the park. (I feel the same about the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. The first one has the edge because I'd never seen that kind of movie before with those characters).
Going into the second movie you kind of have some idea of what this version of Deadpool is about so you're hoping to get more of what you saw the first time around. It certainly delivers on that front. Personally I give Deadpool 2 the edge because we get much more Deadpool now that there's no origin story to contend with.

The basic plot has Cable (Josh Brolin) travelling to the past to kill a child who will grow up to kill Cable's family. Woven within that are themes of family and what makes a family, which give the movie its heart, and may even get your eyes welling up a little.

Pretty much all of your favorites from the first movie return. I was hoping Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) would get to do more this time around in terms of being a surly teenage pain in ass but she seems to have moved on a bit from where she was in the first film. Still enjoyable, just not quite so dark.

The new X-Force characters are a great addition. Particularly Domino (Zazy Beets) - for reasons that become more apparent once you've seen the film. I thought her character played off Deadpool really well, though having luck as a superpower seems a bit abstract to me as to when it kicks in and affects the outcome. I'd be happy to see her back though.

A slight disappointment was that I had my fingers crossed for Hugh Jackman cameo with Hugh playing himself not Wolverine. It's not really a spoiler to say Hugh appears in the film in some capacity (he's a running joke from the first movie and we all know there's a friendly rivalry between him and Ryan), I just had something else in mind with Deadpool convinced the real Hugh is Wolverine - could still happen in a future Deadpool movie.

I've read in other reviews that the action sequences in this film are not as good but I'd say they're on par with the first. There's no sequence that stands out as much as the car chase in the first as memorable but that chase was time stretched across a good chunk of the first film, and was used to get the movie green lit. It's hard not to remember it.

Overall I enjoyed Deadpool 2. It's a solid follow up movie that still manages to surprise and possibly even make you cringe in places. Incredibly it still has heart and tries to say something a little more meaningful about families with some success. I really like that both Deadpool movies do pull on the emotional strings, and that it's not all quippy one liners and violence.

I do hope they'll consider  a third Deadpool movie. I really enjoy him as the central character and wouldn't like to see him relegated to supporting cast from this point forward. He works far better when the story is from his point of view.


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