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Showing posts from October, 2014

Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy - Spoiler Free

I realize my movie review for Guardians of the Galaxy is probably a bit redundant by now as I'm sure anyone planning to see this movie has already seen it. I actually saw it about a week after it was released in Australia so clearly I'm late with blogging my reaction. However I was excited for the movie's release, I did enjoy it and, I'm only late because, well... life happens. So here goes... I had been looking forward to Guardians of the Galaxy since Marvel first announced the film, not because I was a fan of the comics, or even knew there was such a comic. No, the thing that I wanted to see was a talking Raccoon with a thing for big guns. It's a character that sounds just a bit silly but has the potential to be awesome in a live action film and the final movie does not disappoint.

Religious Terrorists

One of my Facebook friends shared the video below on their timeline. It's a response by Religious Scholar, Reza Aslan to commentary by Comedian, Bill Maher, on the violence and oppression that goes on in 'Muslim Countries'. Aslan makes makes a point about how the media's sweeping generalizations aren't helpful when referring to Muslim extremist groups and individuals within them, citing that all 'Muslim Countries' are not the same and shouldn't be viewed in the same light. He also points out that some of the issues commonly associated with 'Muslim Countries' are actually more of an issue in 'Christian Countries'. Watch the video. It may just help you think differently about all religions. I think the point Aslan makes that resonates the most with me is that most religions aren't violent or peaceful. It's what the people who follow them bring to it that determines how that religion and their specific group is perceived. F...

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