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Showing posts from April, 2013

The Chocolate Closet Featuring Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn - Rundle Place, Adelaide

Regular readers of this blog may have noticed that I haven't posted for the last couple of weeks. That's because I've been on holiday visiting my family over in Perth, Western Australia.  I had intended to keep blogging from my Android Tablet but then I decided to have a proper holiday away from almost everything and tell you about what I got up to when I came back. So now I'm back and over the next few weeks I'll write about a few of the things my partner, Enigma and I saw and got up to whilst we were away. Technically this first post happened before the holiday began but I haven't been into the central city part of Adelaide for so long it's almost like the first stop on my Perth holiday... and how can you not blog about a life size chocolate closet. Chocolate Closet by artist Prudence Staite. Enigma and I happened upon the Chocolate Closet whilst visiting Rundle Mall , or more accurately Rundle Place , in Adelaide. Created by world famous fo...

Kevin Smith and The Dark Knight Returns - Opinion

Kevin Smith often points to the plot holes in Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises and repeatedly states that Warner Animation's The Dark Knight Returns is the best Batman film you'll ever see. Whilst I don't disagree that Rises has plot holes (though the ones Kevin often highlights aren't really plot holes), it could be argued that Nolan is simply continuing a tradition of plot holes that starts in the film's source material. Nolan's films are heavily inspired and informed by a number of comic series including Frank Miller's comic book series, The Dark Knight Returns . Rises in particular shares many of the same themes. Warning : This blog post is not a review. It's an opinion piece so I can write my thoughts about specific scenes in the film. If  you haven't seen The Dark Knight Returns or haven't read the comic book series then stop now as from here on in there will be spoilers. Kevin says of the comic book series that it opened his ...

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