The Croods is a fairly fast paced action adventure story that is essentially the caveman version of a road trip movie. It tells the story of a displaced family, the Croods, forced to leave the safety of their cave in order to survive a cataclysmic event upon the world they've come to know. Their journey is guided by a young stranger who shows them that there's much more to life than staying safe. If you like slap stick, cartoon humor and can suspend disbelief far beyond anything you may have seen in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull then this may be just your thing. It's a film filled with interesting ideas at specific moments as well as quite a number of fantastical prehistoric animals and plants I don't recall seeing in a science journal anywhere, ever (though this may be due to the over the top design to make them more colorful and stylised). Nicolas Cage does a great job voicing the Dad, Grug. Emma Stone is convincing as troublesome te...