I'm very surprised that Batman on Film hasn't reported this as yet (or if they have I can't find it). Seems to me they're spending too much time reporting on every other superhero comic movie and have taken their eye off the ball of late - it's BATMAN ON FILM Jett!. (Seriously. After all the hype leading up to The Dark Knight there's very little post TDK commentary to speak of).
Anyhow, BOF has posted a lot of discussion about the proposed Justice League film, most of which suggests the project is still very much an idea that hasn't really even been properly committed to paper. They've speculated about the appearance of Batman in this film and whether the likelihood of two big screen Batman's in cinemas at about the same time could be a very bad (or good) thing.
However, according to Marc's report, not only is Justice League a go ahead but the principle cast members spent time in Australia going through a very intensive, physical, work out routine in preparation.
As well, Armie says this about trying on the Bat suit:
"I was looking down, and I was thinking, This is the best. Then I stood up, and they turned me around, and I faced a mirror—there was Batman. But then it hit me like a ton of bricks—it's not just Batman, it's me!"That, to me, sounds a lot like, the Justice League has a script, costumes and are getting ready to start filming.
Personally, I've never been a big fan of the Justice League, even though I watched the cartoon on TV when I was younger. The idea of superheros getting together, whilst a very valid and natural thing to occur, if they did exist, just seems a bit gimmicky and is more about money than a really great script. Too many characters and not nearly enough screen time for your favorites. But who knows, it worked for X-Men.
That aside, a new interpretation of Batman is always something to look forward to. As much as Christian Bale's Batman has been great, by the time we see him in a third movie I think it's going to be hard for Bale to maintain the 'rage' without becoming tired. Christian is a great actor who needs to challenge himself with different roles. He's more than set the benchmark for what Batman can be. He doesn't need to keep repeating himself.
Batman is continually reinterpreted and reinvented in the comics by many artists and story writers so there's no reason why the same can't happen on film. If nothing else it gives us Batman fans a wider range of choices for picking our favorite version of the caped crusader.
It will be interesting to see what Armie brings to Batman in Justice League.
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