Found this story on Usertainment Watch, Justin TV is a new web site featuring a guy with a camera strapped to his head, filming 24/7. You can view the live feed on Justin's home page.
Justin says that he came up with the idea because he thought it would be interesting showing people what it's like to be... well... Justin. Watch as Justin sets up his technology company to make streaming live video to the web easy. Riveting stuff. To spice things up Justin site does say that he'll be wearing his camera even on dates. I'm sure that's going to enhance his relationships.
This idea is really nothing new and the reality is that, unless you're participating in extreme sports 24/7 or perhaps working on an adult film set, most people's lives aren't that interesting on a minute by minute basis.
This really is just an extension of the TV Show 'Big Brother' taken into a real life environment. If you've ever watched the live streaming version of that show then you'll know that, even in a controlled setting, where drama is some what manufactured, life can still get pretty boring from a viewers perspective.
There's a reason people edit their video on sites like YouTube - to cut out the boring stuff. People don't want to sit through every pause, every 'um' and every 'I really have nothing to say'.
Justin's concept is a nice idea in theory but it really doesn't take live streaming of someone's life to the next level. It's not 'The Trueman Show' yet.

This idea is really nothing new and the reality is that, unless you're participating in extreme sports 24/7 or perhaps working on an adult film set, most people's lives aren't that interesting on a minute by minute basis.
This really is just an extension of the TV Show 'Big Brother' taken into a real life environment. If you've ever watched the live streaming version of that show then you'll know that, even in a controlled setting, where drama is some what manufactured, life can still get pretty boring from a viewers perspective.
There's a reason people edit their video on sites like YouTube - to cut out the boring stuff. People don't want to sit through every pause, every 'um' and every 'I really have nothing to say'.
Justin's concept is a nice idea in theory but it really doesn't take live streaming of someone's life to the next level. It's not 'The Trueman Show' yet.
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