[Note: This post originally had no title and is an incomplete story because it used to be part of a news stream embeded into my website. I'd delete it but, soon to be even more famous person, Rachel Reenstra ( Ms Adventure , The Wildlife Docs ), randomly discovered my blog on Christmas 2005 here and left a comment. She then returned the next evening and left a comment on this post. I think she is still the most high profile person to comment on this blog alongside Boom Crash Opera's Peter Farnan who left a comment here . - TET 2021-05-03 ] If you're a reader of 'The Bunyip', Gawler's local newspaper, and you've found your way here, chances are you've already viewed my 'Sleeping Cats' exhibition. Hope you enjoyed it and I hope you voted for your favourite artwork. If you'd like to see more of my work (even after browsing this site) then sign up to my newsletter to receive updates of future exhibitions, ebay auctions and other site news. Tha...